Welcome Back, Me!

My phone buzzes. It’s a message from Eric Eldon. He, Alexia, and I had been talkin’ for a few weeks about the idea of me returning to TechCrunch, and we’d just locked in the following Monday — that is, today — as my (re)start date. “Start thinking about your intro post,” read the text.

So I thought about it. A lot. I drafted it probably a dozen times in my head, crumpling up each version and tossing it in the trash before the figurative ink had even dried.

Monday’s here. Intro post time. Screw it*, we’ll do it live.

You see, I suck at talking about myself. Need me to break some news? Done. Need me to liveblog an event with a few hundred thousand people waiting on every keystroke? Hell yeah, I’m down. Opinions? I TOTALLY HAVE THEM! Need me to write a few paragraphs about myself? lolnope. [Insert joke about me being doomed because TechCrunch only writes about itself here.]

For those who know me: I missed you, too. To make up for not calling for the past year, please accept the above picture of me snuggling with a puppy as a form of penance and/or hitting on you.

For those who don’t: I’m Greg. I first joined TechCrunch as Mobile Editor back in early 2008 — which, if I recall correctly, is riiiight before we moved things out of Arrington’s house. I spent the next few years breakin’ all sorts of stories and generally loving life. Then my boss got fired and things got weird, so I left.

I spent a few months helping to get the ball rolling at PandoDaily before recognizing that I had a pretty ridiculous urge to go learn to build things (be they virtual, physical, or a combination of the two). I did some coding. I did some wood working. I did some 3d printing. I fired lasers (lots, and lots of lasers.) I had an itch, so I scratched it, and I return a smarter dude and a better writer because of it.

I watched from afar as Eric and Alexia took up the reins at TC, quite certain that they’d smoothen out the myriad bumps and bruises that popped up after the acquisition. They’ve done an incredible job — so when the question of whether or not I’d come back came up, I jumped at the opportunity. I love TC, and I love this team. I’m glad to be back.

Oh, right, follow me on Twitter.

[*I totally could have said “Fuck it” instead of “Screw it” here. Totally-real-and-not-made-up-right-now fact: Every TechCrunch writer gets an allotment of 5-10 expletives to drop per month, and they’re like rollover minutes. As a TC alum coming back after about a year away, I’ve got like, buckets of fucks saved up. I just wanted to avoid swearing** in my first post back, you know?]

[** I almost made it, too.]

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