The Crunchies 2012 Are Over, But You Can Relive The Magic Right Here

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Last night’s Sixth Annual Crunchies Awards show was nothing short of a huge success. With big names like Marissa Mayer, Mark Zuckerberg, Ron Conway, and Mayor Ed Lee in attendance, and equally huge companies like Google, Square and Instagram in the house, one wouldn’t expect anything else.

But Crunchies tickets can be hard to come by, which is why we wanted to bring the show to you.

We’ve put together some of the greatest moments of the show, including Greg Barto’s accidental name-slaughtering of the Wu Tang Clan’s GZA and the acceptance speech for GitHub, Best Overall Startup of 2012, along with some interviews from Google execs, the man responsible for the Mars Curiosity Rover, and an interesting exchange between Tim Armstrong and Michael Arrington.

All in all, it was a night I’ll never forget. But even if I do, we have this excellent highlight reel to relive the magic.


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