Goatse.cx Is Reborn… As An Email Address Provider

It was nigh on half a decade ago that I first met the fell demon they call Goatse.cx. It haunted my dreams – the ring, the red, the evident pleasure – and even today I am loath to type in those five consonants and three vowels without a shudder.

Brave men and women, we need fear no more.

A group of powerful conjurers have banished the Dark Bane of Goatse to the Nether Regions and are changing the domain into an email provider. A safe, calm, and beautiful email provider.

They have created an IndieGogo page for their project and have all already surpassed their funding goal of $10,000. For $50, you can get a 10-year Goatse.cx email account and for $140 you can be part of the Goatse Hall of Fame, a graphical representation of your bravery in facing that foul demon once again. Incidentally, the conjurers note that the email address could exist for life if all goes according to plan.

I wanted to offer accounts “$50 For Life” but for legal reasons I am unable to offer services “For Life”. Instead, it is $50 with a 10 year service and I will then attempt to keep the service going without further charges. Moore’s Law will have hopefully reduced the running costs significantly by 2023, and the email forwarding will likely be cheap enough for me to keep the service running in perpetuity. In summary – I have every intention of maintaining this indefinitely but for legal reasons I can only commit to 10 years.

You will never have to visit the website (which is now SFW). You’re essentially getting the right to use your Goatse.cx email address with almost any email provider using “send as” functionality. Why anyone in their right mind would want to associate their name with the Gaping Goat Man Of Hades is beyond me, but it’s available and I’m sure there are a lot of good names still available.

N.B.: If you don’t know why this domain is unique or unusual, for heaven’s sake please do not look up goatse.cx on Google. I’m absolutely serious. To those not so lucky perhaps this piece of Goatse will help assuage that first, deep grief felt when you realized just what was going on in that picture.

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