Delicious Previews Its Next Update With Better Search, Enhanced Profiles And Keyboard Shortcuts

After YouTube’s founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen bought Delicious from Yahoo in early 2011, it looked like things would move quickly for the former Web 2.0 social bookmarking star. Overall, though, development of the service has moved rather slowly. Things started to pick up this fall, though, including a redesign and the launch of the new Delicious iPhone app earlier this month. Today, the company is announcing yet another iteration of its redesign on

The new design, which is scheduled to be rolled out in early January, will feature a number of updates, including a new “omnibox” search bar, enhanced profile pages, a single-page viewing experience and keyboard shortcuts.

Here is the full run-down of the updates:

Delicious hasn’t talked about its user numbers since its relaunch, so it’s hard to say how the site is doing. For most users, social bookmarking has long been replaced with sharing links on social media services like Facebook and Twitter. It’s also worth noting, however, that the service’s iPhone app has fewer than 25 ratings and most third-party analytics firms currently see a downward trend for Delicious.

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