Come Swim With The Sharks (We’re Hiring!)

TechCrunch is currently experiencing a success problem. We’re growing – fast. And, thanks to you beloved readers, we’ve now got some hiring to do, also fast.

Now while it’s a given that we want the best and brightest folks around on our team, we also want our new folks to bleed green, TechCrunch green. I personally bleed 8-bit TechCrunch green, but I won’t ask everyone to do that – TechCrunch green is just fine. And, with this type of stringent requirement, we thought it might be best to see if you, our readers, might be also interested in working here. After all, you’re the most likely to have the right blood-type (green) – as opposed to the folks that might find us on random websites with names like “Brass Ring” or “Inside Jobs”.

So, come work for the most interesting and influential tech blog in the world, with the cool kids sharks, as my coworker and good friend Alexia Tsotsis likes to say. Seriously, if you want to be in the epicenter of technology startups, innovation, and creativity, TechCrunch is it.

You can find all our (updating) open positions below:

Event Sponsorship Sales Associate

Senior Manager of Audience Development

Conference Program Chair, Engadget/AOL Tech

Account Executive, TechCrunch/AOL Tech

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