And Here’s The Apple Video Where Jony Ive Shows Off The iPad Mini

Do you want watch the by-now-obligatory product videos that Apple has created to promote its new iPad Mini, as well as the new smart covers? Sure you do.

More than the product shots, the real staple of these videos is Apple design SVP Jony Ive, who can be counted on to offer some smart-sounding thoughts on why the company’s latest gadget is so awesome — though in this case, I have to admit that my eyes glazed over when he started to talk about the “diamond-cut chamfer” (?).

The real money quote is probably Ive’s explanation of his big goal in creating the Mini:

If all that we had done was take the original iPad and just reduce it, all that you would be aware of was everything that was missing, that there is inherent loss in just reducing a product in size. What we did was, we went back to the very beginning and we took the time to design a product that was a concentration of, not a reduction of, the original.

If you haven’t already, you should also check out the video of TechCrunch’s Darrell Etherington getting a hands-on with the Mini and the new MacBook Pro.

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