After Early Boom, New Numbers Suggest iOS 6 Adoption May Be Reaching A Plateau

Apple’s iOS 6 adoption got off to a quick start, but now, two weeks on, it looks like it may be evening out. New data from Chartboost today, covering the time between iOS 6’s launch and Wednesday, suggests that user uptake of Apple’s latest mobile OS might be leveling off after an initial rush. It took just five days to reach over 30 percent adoption, and only eight for iOS 6 to become the dominant version, but now there’s been relatively little growth in the past week, with overall adoption staying at 45.3 percent both for both Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

As with other data we’ve seen from different sources, Chartboost shows the iPhone out ahead in terms of iOS 6 adoption, with the iPad coming in second and the iPod touch as the laggard in terms of hardware being upgraded. But whereas we’ve seen claims of over 60 percent adoption from Onswipe and Chitika, Chartboost says that’s much lower. Chartboost’s sample pool covers millions of unique devices through its publisher’s apps every hour, however, so its sample size is significant.

A leveling off of iOS 6 installs could be a sign that news of Maps and other problems users aren’t crazy about are spreading, and outweighing the many benefits of upgrading. It could also just be that a drop-off in upgrade pace is natural, as early adopters are all now on board, and additional users will take their time and upgrade at a slower pace. Even without a continued high growth rate, the penetration iOS 6 has achieved to date is already very impressive, and a rarity among mobile software update patterns, regardless of platform.

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