Pew Pew Pew! iPhone 5 Destroyed By Lasers [Video]

I’ve avoided posting videos of people shooting the iPhone with bullets, dropping iPhones into squirrel pens, and ingesting and then excreting iPhones because I think such videos are wasteful and pointless. But this video is a little too cool not to post.

It shows 6 Watts of pure Wicked Lasers fun being pointed at the center of an iPhone 5 screen and then, to add insult to injury, they drop a superhot flashlight onto the screen, essentially destroying the LCD. Arguably, this is the worst waste of an iPhone possible, but I do really like lasers.

We’ve looked at Wicked Lasers quite a bit over the years and barring their tendency to cause permanent eye damage and/or blindness I find their products to be pretty cool, especially now that they’ve proven that the iPhone has no external defenses and can be destroyed by shooting photon torpedoes down a small exhaust port.

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