Barnes & Noble Announces Nook Video Apps, Launching This Fall

If your ecosystem of choice happens to be the Barnes & Noble platform, you’ll be happy to know that the book retailer is now offering Nook Video, a service that lets you buy digital copies of your favorite movies and TV shows directly from your Nook device.

But that’s not all, the service stores content in the Nook Cloud, much like Amazon’s digital locker, so that you can watch the content from anywhere, including other tablets, TVs, the web, and smartphones using free Nook Video apps.

Though the bookseller is a bit late to the digital video game, Nook Video is a fully functional service, packed full of content and integrated with Ultraviolet. That means users who own Ultraviolet-labeled DVDs or Blurays will have a digital copy available to them in the Nook Video app.

Barnes & Noble is partnering with HBO, Sony, Starz, Warner Bros Entertainment, and even Walt Disney Studios to bring you your favorite content, including The Avengers, Brave, Toy Story 3, The Artist, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, True Blood, Game Of Thrones, The Dark Knight, The Hangover, and the Harry Potter movies.

Movies and TV shows are available to rent or buy, and just like the Nook Reading apps, Nook Video apps will save your place in various movies and TV shows across devices, so you can switch between Nook tablet and smartphone without missing a beat.

The service will debut this fall, though exact availability is unclear.

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