4Moms Begins Shipping The Breeze Baby Crib

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Get thee to the 4Mommery because if you’re the parent of an infant/toddler, you have got to get you one of these. This is the smoothest, nicest playpen ever made by a home robotics company ever in the history of playpens, which is saying a lot.

As I mentioned here, this is on TechCrunch because it’s one of the purest examples of an excellent product by a small hardware startup with a proven track record.

The Breeze is the smoothest, most-usable playpen I’ve seen. It opens and closes with one motion and, unlike similar models, there is no need to lock or unlock the sides with invisible buttons that rarely, if ever, engage. If you’re a parent or may take part in sexual reproduction at some point in your life, this is important to you simply because you’ll be either fighting with Pack ‘n’ Plays until you die or you can just tote this bad mother around like a boss.

The Breeze is available now for $299.

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