Evergram Founder Pitches His Meaningful Message Packager Wearing A Wedding Dress

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Think about when you go to a wedding (in my ripe old age, I have been to one) and you jot down a note in a big book for the couple. Imagine if instead you could record a video or audio message (or be boring and stick to the text) for them. That’s what Evergram offers.

My interest in Evergram was first piqued when I saw co-founder Duncan Seay standing in Startup Alley in a full wedding dress today. I figured talking to this nutjob would be a funny break from a long day of writing. Instead, I was pitched by a very shrewd entrepreneur publicizing his company in an amusing way.

The company’s current beta service is a wedding website, but it plans to expand to an iOS app in October and to include all occasions in the fall.

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