T-Mobile Discontinues The Galaxy Note Two Weeks After Releasing It (Update)

It was only a fortnight ago that T-Mobile announced it would be carrying Samsung’s Galaxy Note. Pink subscribers everywhere rejoiced in the confirmation — we’d suspected the Note’s arrival for quite a while, and a tweet from T-Mobile sealed the deal.

Now, however, it appears that T-Mobile is discontinuing the device, just a few weeks after it put the phablet on store shelves. Android Police reports that a trusted source has confirmed the EOL status of the Galaxy Note, which has been removed from T-Mobile’s website.

Update: A T-Mobile rep has just reached out to clarify the reports. The Galaxy Note is still available through T-Mobile retail outlets, and is out of stock online. She didn’t make mention of the phone’s EOL date, which Android Police reports to be November 1.

As uncomely as it looks for Tmo to flip flop at this rate, it actually makes much more sense to dump the old and bring in the new. Remember, word of an even bigger Galaxy Note II is spreading around the web.

Rather than sell a device released nearly a year ago internationally, and more than half a year ago in the States, T-Mobile (and its subscribers) are much better off waiting for the new new thing.

[via UberGizmo]

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