Ads Everywhere! Tremor Video Runs Four-Screen Ad Campaign For GoPro

Very few advertisers are able to take advantage of the ability to reach viewers on multiple screens. In the days leading up to and during ESPN’s X Games in Los Angeles, Tremor Video showed how it was done, with a four-screen ad campaign for video camera maker GoPro.

GoPro’s campaign ran from June 26 through July 1, in effect trying to build up anticipation among fans during ESPN’s X Games. As a big sponsor and advocate of the kind of action sports that take place during the games, GoPro saw an opportunity to show its cameras in action. So in addition to its usual TV ads, the company ran a bunch of online video ads featuring raw footage shot from GoPro cameras during practice sessions before the games.

But knowing that its audience is young and tech-savvy and on-the-go, GoPro wanted to make its ads available in as many places and devices as possible. So it teamed up with Tremor on the ad network’s first four-screen campaign. GoPro delivered 15-second versions of its current TV commercials ahead of the event, as well as a 30-second spot of a GoPro BMX athlete during practice, with all footage shot by its cameras. Tremor delivered video ads to audiences online, as well as mobile phones, tablets, and connected TV viewers that were checking out X-Games content.

Since each platform provides different types of experiences for consumers, interaction with the campaign varied by device. But for the most part, each were overlay ad units designed to get viewers to click through and engage with other GoPro content. Users who clicked through were able to access GoPro’s Video of the Week, and Tremor was paid on a cost-per-engagement basis.

Let’s face it: Multiplatform is the future of video, and we can expect more ad campaigns like this. Tremor’s shown that it can do it once, so it’s well-positioned to deliver video ads across any device that an advertiser wants to hit.

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