Dejamor Keeps Your Sex Life Sexy Every Month

Keeping things spicy in the bedroom can be tricky. Maybe you exhausted all your tricks early on in the game, or perhaps the sheer exhaustion that comes with balancing kids, a home and your work has taken its toll. But fear not, lovers of the world, for a new startup has entered the scene that may be the answer to your sexy prayers.

It’s called Dejamor (backed by DreamIt Ventures), and it originally started out as an app. But once founder Rodrigo Fuentes realized that the engagement and input required with an app was only adding work to people's lives, he realized a subscription service was a better fit. Dejamor sends you a box every month with all the ingredients for a special, romantic moment with your significant other, and instructions to make sure you don't screw it up. It's as simple as that.

Think Boinkbox, but classier. And for couples.

When you receive your package, you'll see a box marked "His Eyes Only," and a box marked "Her Eyes Only." (If you're in a same sex relationship, obviously they both say His or Her.)

The starter His box contains bubble bath, a package full of rose petals, and a piece of paper with a clear canister. The instructions tell you to wake up earlier than your girlfriend, wife, whatever, and sprinkle rose petals in a path to the bathroom, where you've run a bubble bath and let a note (a message in a bottle, if you will) float along the top in that canister. Then start making her breakfast.

The lady's box is a bit different. It comes with a lace sash, with which you're told to tie up your man and let him undress you with his teeth. It's not entirely original, for either party, but the results should be pretty phenomenal.

The next month, you'll both get another surprise. Fuentes tells me that Dejamor will continue to learn more about you as you give feedback for each box, and each month should only get better and better.

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