Facebook Designers Ask “What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid”

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

That’s the question Facebook designers Ben Barry and Rasmus Andersson are asking on a poster-creation site that went live today. They are encouraging people to go on the site, create a digital poster and “tell the world.”

Users responses range from nerdy to inspired to goofy, as evidenced below.

Barry comes from Facebook’s Analog Research Laboratory, where he and Everett Katigbak design and print inspirational signs and posters for Facebook’s offices worldwide. Some of their more famous posters include “Likers Gonna Like” and “Stay Focused And Keep Shipping.” Now, he’s working to share posters outside Facebook’s offices.

The site says it is a collaboration between the Analog Research Laboratory and Project M, a non-profit program for collaboration on ideas and projects “to contribute to the greater good.”

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