eBay Adds Barcode Scanning, Personalization, Better Image Quality To New Version Of iPad App

eBay was one of the first e-commerce giants to launch an iPad app following the device’s debut in 2010. As we’ve heard many times, mobile commerce is a huge growth area for eBay and the company is placing some pretty big bets on the mobile shopping experience. Today, the company, which says that its mobile apps have reached 80 million downloads, is debuting version 2.0 of its flagship iPad app, Buy and Sell with eBay, which has ramped up personalization, customization, image quality and more.

One of the major improvements in the app is a visual redesign of the home screen. Now you can completely customize your home screen with your most recent product searches or sales, which can be added, deleted or moved around based on user preferences. Additionally, first time users of the app will login and find their “My eBay Items” already populated to the home screen.

With the redesign, eBay wanted to eliminate the need for users to click to different pages to search, bid, buy, or pay for items. For buyers, users can access daily deals, eBay’s popular items, recent searches and their favorite categories from the homepage.

Users can choose to browse through results from multiple views, flip through multiple images and purchase from the homepage itself. Search has also been improved, allowing users to access advanced search to target results to listings based on budget, category, condition, size, color, or style

Sellers can research sale trends, list items, and make sale, as well as scan an item using the
barcode scanner to pre-populate a listing from the homepage Sellers can also now revise their listings directly from the iPad app.

eBay mobile VP Steve Yankovich tells us that the redesign focuses on ramping up customization and discovery, especially in the homescreen experience. “It’s about picking best way to browse and discover products,” he explains. “This is a dashboard that creates jumping points for everything the buyer or seller cares about.”

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