Google Releases A Playbook For “Winning With Mobile”

As Google continues to push businesses to embrace mobile advertising, it’s trying to make that process a little less intimidating with a new publication titled “The Mobile Playbook: The Busy Executive’s Guide to Winning with Mobile.”

The playbook is co-written by Jason Spero, Google’s head of mobile sales and strategy (he joined through the acquisition of AdMob), who predicted in February that one million small businesses globally will build a mobile website this year. I don’t think any of the advice is particularly revelatory, but it’s still a nice distillation of how Google thinks businesses should build their mobile strategies.

Amid the cute graphics and brief case studies, Spero and his co-writer Johanna Werther have scattered some specific to-do items, which they gather into a big list at the end:

You can read The Mobile Playbook here. Practicing what it preaches, Google recommends viewing the site on a tablet.

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