Pebble Smart Watch Raises Over $3M On Kickstarter After Asking For Only $100K

After asking for $100,000 on Kickstarter to create a few thousand “Pebble smart watch” devices, Alerta has now raised well over $3 million over a month before their stated goal, adding $1 million to their already goal-shattering total as Jordan Crook reported just last week. Pebble raised its first $1 million in the first 28 hours on the site.

The Pebble is a slim, water resistant, scratch resistant, watch with an e-paper display. This display means it has a 7 day battery life (charged via USB) and is also easily visible in daylight just like a Kindle display. LCD displays would eat up way more power, so the e-paper aspect to this is very much part of this very clever take on a smart watch.

Connecting via Bluetooth to the phone, the Pebble interfaces with the phone via a iOS or Android app. Alerts can be customised for emails, notifications or messages and the Pebble people claim the watch will run apps to cover cycling, golfing or running, and use its accelerometer to monitor your activity, just like the Nike Fitband.

Alerta, the company behind the Pebble, also makes the inPulse smart watch which is a full color LCD screen watch, so it has experience in this arena.

You can back the project in a variety of ways, but you can get an actual watch (basic black) starting with a $115 pledge.

Could the white Pebble become the next must-have device? We’ll see, but it’s on its way.

Update: It went on to hit over $10 million…

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