Why You Need To Back Young Rewired State Right Now

Even as the UK government seems keener than ever to promote the technology sector as an engine of much needed growth – especially startups – there’s a programme right under its nose which has been running for years which needs help, and now. Young Rewired State has been running annually on very low funding for a while.

The philanthropic arm of Rewired State, YRS is a network of developers aged 18 and under whose primary focus is to find and foster the young children and teenagers who are driven to teaching themselves how to code.

YRS is aiming for a pretty low £20,000 to cover the hardship funds for the kids who cannot afford to travel the events as well as some of the essential costs at their big event this August. You can back it here.

It’s an incredible initiative and I’ve seen some amazing talent at their showcase days – definitely the Zuckerbergs of tomorrow. However, corporate sponsorship has been very difficult to raise of late.

That means the non-profit has had to turn to a crowd sourcing platform for funding, namely Peoplefund.it which is a sort of British clone of Kickstarter.

YRS seeks those kids out and mentors them primarily through a week long hack event in the Summer. After this they are automatically a part of the growing network of young developers across the UK. One of the bi-products of YRS is the strong alumni network. Once the YRSers get to 19, they volunteer to return year on year to mentor the younger ones.

Founder Emma Mulqueeny deserves huge respect for keeping YRWS alive and is a tireless campaigner for teaching young people to code. I daresay there are many more like her across Europe.

Suddenly I realise I am not aware of other similar initiatives so if you know any, please put them in the comments. (Update: Have a look at Apps For Good, Coder Dojo and Teentech.)

Meanwhile give them some love on Facebook and Twitter.

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