Your Google+ Is In My RSS Feed! No, Your RSS Feed Is In My Google+

If there’s one thing wrong with Google+ it’s a lack of a real non-browser interface. There are workarounds and widgets, but there’s never been a real way to pull your G+ feed into a more comfortable format. While many would complain that RSS isn’t even close to a comfortable format, it’s bettern’ nuffin’.

That said, a new free service called GPlusRSS allows you to create a public RSS feed of your G+ account. You can potentially share this feed with others (here’s mine) or you can keep it for yourself. The feed consists only of public pronouncements so private messages won’t show up.

The service is also useful for propagating your G+ info to other services using systems like or something like WPRSSPoster to bring your G+ content to WordPress.

It may not be much but it’s definitely a way to get your goods out of Google’s walled G+ garden. Maybe (just maybe?) I’ll start using G+ a bit more because of this?

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