Goodbye Erick, Hello Eric

TechCrunch has been through a lot lately, and we need to focus on what truly matters: covering startups and innovation. So, this post is going to be short.

But here is what’s going on: Erick Schonfeld is leaving and Eric Eldon is replacing him as editor.

What can you expect from TechCrunch now?

We’re going to put our heads down and focus on the basics.

We’re going to continue building our team, hitting the mean streets of Silicon Valley to report on the entrepreneurs, investors, world-class tech companies, and everyone else that makes this ecosystem what it is.

You know, the stories that made TechCrunch your homepage back in 2005 when it was a personal blog written by Michael Arrington.

But it’s 2012 and the whole world is embracing tech entrepreneurship, so we’ll also grow our staff in other key cities in the US and around the world, too.

And… no more details for now, because we have a lot of work ahead of us and we hate overpromising. We’d rather we all just show you how serious we are in practice.

Well, except you can expect us to experiment with all sorts of things — CrunchBase, videos, events, ways of covering stories, site designs, etc. — in the grand TechCrunch tradition.

And, here are a few more thoughts on the transition, from Eric:

When Erick and I talked about me joining TechCrunch last November, the circumstance today was obviously not on either of our minds. But things can change very quickly in the world of blogging, and Erick decided now is the best time for him to leave.

Erick is an extremely experienced journalist and editor, he has worked hard to make the best of a very tough situation in recent months, and he’s done a great job of assembling a new team of young veterans — Sarah Perez, Josh Constine, Anthony Ha, Ingrid Lunden, Colleen Taylor, Eric Eldon (yes, apologies for speaking in the third person), and another person we’ll be announcing later this week. Along with all of the other alumni, Erick deserves a lot of credit for what TechCrunch is today.

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