Netflix: We Have No Plans To Support BlackBerry Devices, Including The PlayBook

It seems as though nobody’s a fan of RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook. Last year, I would’ve agreed wholeheartedly. What’s a tablet good for — ahem, an enterprise-style tablet no less — if you can’t natively check email, store contacts, or access a calendar.

But even though much of that’s going to change with the release of PlayBook 2.0 OS, some peeps still can’t get on board. In this instance, it would be Netflix. According to Reuters, Netflix has stated that it has no plans to support the BlackBerry PlayBook or any other BlackBerry device for that matter.

Even with the issues Netflix has had in the past year — including awful streaming margins and a price hike backlash — the fact that consumers are putting even more screens in front of their faces should bode well. Still, Netflix doesn’t seem to be too enthused with RIM or their offerings.

Netflix is already available on the iPad, iPhone, and various Android devices. Since the PlayBook 2.0 OS comes with an Android emulator (which lets people play with Android apps on the PlayBook), we had thought that it would be relatively easy for the Android app to be ported over to the PlayBook. Unfortunately, no such luck.

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