Imgur Wins Best Bootstrapped Startup, Sees 1 Billion Pageviews Per Month

Here at the 2011 Crunchies, Imgur, the photo-sharing site made popular by the Reddit community, won the category of “Best Bootstrapped Startup.” And given the traffic numbers the startup is seeing, it’s easy to see why. According to Founder Alan Schaaf, the site sees 30 million uniques per month and a billion pageviews. (Yes, a billion!)

Schaaf admits that the startup is sort of  “under the radar in the tech community.” But there’s clearly a large demand for an image-hosting site that doesn’t focus on personal or professional photos, but on other types of images.

“I like to think of an image as different from a photo,” says Schaaf, “you would put your photos on places like Facebook or Flickr, but if you just have an image – which can be like a screenshot, a meme, something you hacked together in PhotoShop – you need a place for those too. We want to be that place.”

The full backstage interview is below:

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