Panasonic Shows Cloud-Based “Smart Vegetable Garden” Device For Home Use

Panasonic isn’t just making TVs, phones, or cameras, they are also producing household appliances. One such appliance has recently been introduced by Japanese business daily The Nikkei, and it’s probably the first cloud-based device for growing fruit and vegetables at home out there.

Four leaf vegetables can be grown in one so-called “Smart Vegetable Garden” (which is sized at 100x50x30cm) at the same time, with Panasonic claiming that owners can expect to harvest them in about 40 days – 30% less than using conventional methods. Apart from saving time, the device also integrates a cloud-based management system to track growth, for example by automatically screening the level of water and nutrients, or the temperature.

According to Panasonic, the device is not only safe for use within the kitchen but also outdoors (it’s also possible to connect multiple units).

The company plans to start selling the devices in Japan in the next fiscal year. One unit will cost a whopping US$7,800, but alternatively, buyers can opt for a US$180 monthly lease plan that includes the cloud-based management service. The device will also be bundled with home solar energy systems Panasonic is selling on the Japanese market.

Sorry for the small picture – Panasonic hasn’t included the Smart Vegetable Garden on its Japanese website for home appliances yet.

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