The Hackathon: Your Ticket To Disrupt Beijing, Great Prizes, And More

Hackers, are you ready? The Disrupt Beijing Hackathon is almost here. Not only is this our fifth time hosting the Hackathon at TechCrunch Disrupt, but it is our very first time hosting it overseas. The Hackathon has become an incredibly popular event, where hackers of every stripe come together to build cool products and businesses — from funny to useful, from bizarre to essential. The goal of the Hackathon is to push innovation forward.

What’s more, ALL hackers who finish their hacks AND present in the 24-hour allotted time period will get FREE tickets to Disrupt Beijing!

而且, 所有完成并且在24小时中展示所做项目的程序员将获得Disrupt北京大会的免费门票!

We have been lucky enough to receive support from some amazing companies. These companies will be helping hackers by hosting their own API platforms, providing educational workshops, and offering exciting prizes from their own contests. Make sure to check out the contests and prizes below, and make sure to get your ticket soon! It’s our first Hackathon overseas and one you don’t want to miss.

6waves Lolapps Custom Contest

6waves Lolapps is looking for the next killer game in the social/mobile gaming platforms. Up to 3 winning teams could bring home over US $100,000 worth of prizes and win an opportunity to partner with 6waves Lolapps to get their games published globally. Contestants are welcome to use any open-source or licensed technologies to build a demo social game on any mobile or social network platforms. Example API’s and platforms include Tencent, OpenSocial, Facebook, iOS, and Android platforms. Demos or prototypes with built-in social and cross-platform concepts will gain advantage. Demos will be judged based on the following criteria:

– most original creative concept
– highest-level social experience
– best use of cross-platform technologies
– most compelling game design


1st Place: Potential funding from 6waves Lolapps’ 6L Fund (worth up to US$100,000) and 1 iPad 2, 1 Samsung Galaxy Tab

2nd Place: Apple iPad 2 (64GB)

3rd Place: Samsung Galaxy Tab

为了能与更多优秀的开发者拉近距离紧密交流,6waves将赞助首次在北京举 办的HACKATHON,欢迎任何手机游戏或社交游戏的开发团队/个人报名参加
;前3名将有机会获得总价值超过100,000美元的奖品,更有机会成为6waves的 亲密合作伙伴从而获得6waves全球游戏发行渠道的支持;我们歡迎开发者采用 开放源码技术或已获得授权的技术去开发社交游戏/手机游戏的演示版,例如 API:腾讯、OpenSocial、Facebook、iOS、Android。若演示版或原型当中包含及 内置社交元素或跨平台的概念将获得更佳评分。


– 最具原创意的概念
– 最能利用社交元素
– 最佳跨平台技术的运用
– 最引人注目的游戏设计


有机会获得由6waves “6L 基金”提供的资金支持(价值高达10万美元)
苹果iPad一台, 三星Galaxy Tab10.1一台


三星Galaxy Tab 10.1一台

Tianji Custom Contest

Tianji, part of the Viadeo network, is the official host of the Beijing Disrupt professional network. Tianji will sponsor a special Professional Social Network prize for the best hack of Tianji’s API. With Tianji’s open API, third party developers can leverage the company’s business social networking platform to create a personalized web experience for their site visitors – ultimately increasing brand awareness, driving revenue and elevating engagement.

Their criteria will be best usage of Tianji’s API, disruptive, and out of the box thinking.

The prizes will be:

– 5000 RMB as first prize
– 3000 RMB for the second prize
– 2000 RMB for the 3rd prize


天际作为Viadeo网络的一部分,是Beijing Disrupt专业网络的官方承办人。天际将为使用其API的最佳作品设立特别的专业社交网络奖。利用天际的开源API,第三方开发者可以借助企业的商业社交网络平台来为网站访问者打造个性化的网络体验——最终提升品牌知名度,增加利润并提高市场参与度。


myGengo Custom Contest

myGengo’s Human Translation API allows developers to plug quality translation into any application, website or platform. myGengo is supporting efforts to “go global” with a prize for the best myGengo API integration encouraging global outreach and communication. Through this API, developers can access over 3,000 translators around the world, enabling users to publish new content dynamically in multiple languages and attracting a global audience. Free client libraries in popular programming languages are available, as well as a sandbox environment for testing and recommendations for integration.

Demos will be judged based on the following criteria:
– most likely to encourage global growth
– potential for furthering cross-cultural communication
– seamlessness in user-experience and workflow

Prize to be announced soon.

deCarta Hackathon Sponsor

deCarta will be hosting their location-based services (LBS) APIs for hackers to access during the Hackathon and will be presenting a workshop on how to integrate their mapping tools with new applications. They will have a developer environment (deCarta devzone) open for hackers during the event. If interested, you can register and get information on their APIs here.


deCarta将会为开发者们提供其位置服务(LBS)API,还会开设一场讲座,介绍如何将他们的地图工具与新应用整合。比赛期间,他们将会为开发者们提供一个开放的开发环境(deCarta devzone)。如果你有兴趣,可以在这里进行注册,获得其API的更多信息。

Red Pagoda Resources Hackathon Sponsor

Red Pagoda Resources will be helping developers learn about some of the coolest jobs at startups. Founder, Andy Mok, along with being the organizer for our Beijing Disrupt Hackathon, is a talent-hunter for audaciously visionary internet companies in China. When he’s not trolling
Zhongguancun or the Internet for game-changing developers and product managers, he also organizes Startup Weekend Beijing to help developers meet investors as well as talented and like-minded product managers and UI/UX professionals. Make sure to seek him out if you want to discuss opportunities!

编程马拉松活动赞助商Red Pagoda Resources

Red Pagoda Resources将会帮助开发者了解一些创业企业当中最有意思的工作。其创始人,同时也是我们Beijing Disrupt编程马拉松活动的组织者之一的Andy Mok,正在为中国那些富有远见的网络公司招募人才。在忙碌于中关村和开发者、产品经理之余,他还组织了北京创业周末,来帮助开发者与投资人交流,同时也帮他们寻找有天赋并且志同道合的产品经理和UI/UX专业人士。如果你想寻找并把握住机遇,一定要去找他聊聊!

MailChimp Hackathon Sponsor

MailChimp is hosting a US $1M Integration Fund to help companies create new innovations that integrate with MailChimp email marketing tools.



CloudFlare Hackathon Sponsor

CloudFlare will be hosting a workshop to discuss its APIs.



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