Apple To School The World’s Developers On iOS 5 With “Tech Talk World Tour”

Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) is a pretty great event for developers — but, contrary to the implications of the “Worldwide” name, it’s not quite as great for folks who can’t make their way to San Francisco.

Looking to sing the word of iOS 5 to developers who just can’t justify the trip, Apple is once again setting out on what they call the “Tech Talk World Tour”. They held similar events in 2008 and 2009, with an unexplained hiatus in 2010.

Also unlike WWDC: the Tech Talks are free. You’ll need to be a registered iOS developer (and they’ll give priority to folks who already have apps in the store), but it’s otherwise on the mothership house.

The Dates

Looking at the agenda, it’s clear what the focus of the talks will be: iOS 5 and iCloud. If you’ve never been to one of these events and have a serious interest in development, it’s well worth the (non-existent) entry fee. Apple brings out some of their finest engineers, and you get actual face time with the guys who know this stuff better than anyone. You can sign-up or find more info here.

Don’t expect to hear much in the way of secret new details at these events — but hey, if you do… you know who to call.

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