Buddy Media breaks down the content boundaries of social networks

Social enterprise software Buddy Media has launched an addition to its social marketing suite today: it enables clients to share and manage their content anywhere on the open web. The new product, dubbed ReachBuddy, is meant to break down the boundaries of social networks and to power connections between customer and industry on a new level.

The Buddy Media suite has so far consisted of messaging tool ConversationBuddy, content management tool ProfileBuddy and interaction tracking product ConversionBuddy. All those tools were based on content distribution via Facebook and Twitter. With the update, content can now be deployed across the web easily through an embed code, too. Creating, managing and tracking social content across corporate websites, microsites and newsletters for example is possible with a quick click on the tool. It can bring the social graphs of Twitter to YouTube pages or share Facebook polls on Tumblr and WordPress, as well as any landing page, while keeping up a consistent brand experience. This makes for a unified solution for more than 50 social applications, from sweepstakes to contests.

Luca Benini, Buddy Media’s Managing Director of Europe, commented on the launch: “The reason we developed ReachBuddy is because clients were asking us what is the next step. We think that in the process of building a brand presence [our clients and us] have to think bigger and not be confined to the boundaries of social networks.”

ReachBuddy’s Beta partners at least seemed quite pleased with the product. PepsiCo used it successfully to distribute video on the the co-branded microsite that shows viewers how to use the “Snap it, send it” technology found on PepsiCo packaging, to acquire goodies relating to the X Factor USA.

Also launched today was a proprietary index called C-RankTM. This one is a well thought through evaluation tool: it benchmarks clients compared to others in their industry. The idea behind it is less to trigger some healthy competitive spirit, but more to help quickly identify positive or negative trends. C-Rank tracks the user engagement across multiple social platforms and evaluates the content effectiveness on a numerical score of 0-100. I can sense some accelerating incentive on the future low ranks already.

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