YouTube Disco Stops Dancing, Nobody Notices

Google’s YouTube debuted an experimental music discovery project dubbed YouTube Disco last year in January, enabling users to create quick-and-dirty playlists and discover new artists and music videos on the fly.

Not that this is a really big deal or anything, but a reader informs us that the feature, which was launched rather quietly via YouTube test lab TestTube, recently stopped returning results even for queries like ‘Lady Gaga’, ‘Justin Bieber’ and ‘Madonna’. No more Finding, Mixing or Watching, folks.

Update: it”s back!

Perhaps the team felt the need to shut it down now that Google axed the Disco app.

Fortunately for YouTube – or not – nobody seems to have noticed so far. Which is probably because no one was using it, save for our eagle-eyed reader of course.

(Picture above via Flickr user mikemccaffrey)

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