Live Stream: The Launch Of The Apple iPhone 4S From NYC’s Flagship Apple Store

It’s early. Too early. And I’m standing outside, pointing a cell phone camera at the faces of strangers and asking them to speak to me.

This can only mean one thing: it’s time for another iPhone launch, and intrepid TechCrunch reporter Jason Kincaid (that would be me) is live streaming the festivities taking place in front of an Apple store. If history is any guide, there will be free coffee, donuts, and sleep-deprived Apple zealots abound.

For those that missed it, I’ve moved across the country, so today’s launch will feature the 5th Ave. Apple Store in New York City (it’s the one with the amazing glass cube sitting on top of it).

The stream will start at 7:30 AM EST and will continue til shortly after the store opens its doors at 8 AM.

Update: The live stream is now over, but here’s a recording. Apologies for the jittery video in some places, my mobile connection wasn’t great. And if you’d like to jump straight to the clapping (you’ll see), jump to around the 28 minute mark.

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