Kickstarter: Stick Your iPhone To Your Bike With The Action Case

If you had your heart set on taking some rad video of your skateboarding moves but spent your hard-earned dough on an iPhone 4 instead of a GoPro camera, you’re in luck. A graphic designer from California has designed a beefy enclosure for the iPhone 4 that is compatible with all of GoPro’s action-friendly mounts.

The iPhone 4 has a solid camera built into it, but the glass plates on both sides meant there was a limit as to how extreme your life could be while carrying one. The Action Case takes care of that: it’s made of a durable polypropylene plastic and is held together by a set of stainless steel pins.

Friendly warning: the Action Case isn’t waterproof, so while you can definitely mount your iPhone on your surfboard, you’re almost certainly going to regret it. Also, the touchscreen is left uncovered (for obvious reasons), so don’t go thinking your phone is suddenly Superman.

The Action Case isn’t going to win any style awards, but that’s really not the point. You stick your phone on a GoPro mount, attach it to… well, anything really, and let the cool footage start rolling in. Backers who pledge over $49 get first dibs on an Action Case, while each successive level after that nets you different GoPro mounts with which you can go crazy.

At time of writing, only two backers have thrown their money at the Action Case, but the project has another 38 days to hit the $25,000 mark. It could be worth checking out, if only to please the broke, iPhone-toting snowboarder in your life.

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