A Twitter Poem: Next Nexus Leaked With Specs, Details, And Launch Info [Update]

Late last night the Android community was taken hostage by a rogue Twitter user. @tfleming223 started tweeting lines from a cryptic poem said to contain launch details about the upcoming Nexus phone and Ice Cream Sandwich Android release. But in true Internet douchbag fashion, this guy would only release parts of the poem when certain users followed him and he reached 1,000 followers. Well, as shown after the jump, the poem so far hints at a November 3rd Verizon release, along with stating the next Nexus would be a world phone. And he might be right.


While things that go bump in the night, surely give you a fright,
It’s all in good fun as I share treats and panda fun.

So Instead of filling your belly with candies, jellies and other hollows eve fare,
Perhaps your palate will cast a ballot, for an ice cream sandwich instead.

With an internal date now set and LTE a sure bet,
Those that get Tim Cook’s new pet will be filled with green eyed regret.

But wait you cry for what date can you buy?
This the panda did shall share…

Fore on the date Bruce Wayne’s true father did die;
you shall in fact be able to buy in stores of red and black.

But those who pay other masters don’t fret,
over exclusive deals and bets

For in many other favors you will get your treat
be they GSM or wimax radios inside, the nexus brand will ride world wide

Update: Added the last clues

But as he lays in the corner with a Beer and a boner the Panda said with a sigh…
“Be it a Droid or Nexus branded new toy, with dual cores “hd” screens, fancy new widgets and more….
The one with the keyboard is what I enjoy”

This isn’t the first time unannounced details were revealed through a Twitter poem. @black_man_x, aka The Panda King and the supposed creator of this latest poem, played the same silly game with surprising accuracy concerning the then-named HTC Incredible HD. The details were spot on and pegged the phone, later named the Thunderbolt, as Verizon’s first LTE device — although simple logic could have done that as well. The same user later tweeted another poem about the Droid Bionic and stated that the release date would be in the later part of April. “Till after Passover,” he said. While the Bionic just recently hit the shelf, the phone did suffer numerous delays, some of which likely hit at the last moment. This guy is clearly familiar with Verizon Wireless’ road map.

It’s hard to say whether this latest poem correctly names November 3rd, the death of Batman’s creator (his “real father”) Bob Kane, as the phone’s release date but that date does fall in line with previous rumors and Google’s own timetable. Also, the next Nexus would of course be a worldphone as previous incarnations where only available in GSM form. The last two came unlocked, but it’s unlikely that the US’ Verizon edition would follow that precedent. Of course more could still be revealed by our poetic friend.

Apparently there’s more to the poem, which will be revealed sometime today. Blame Jay Cutler: per one of @tfleming223 last tweets yesterday, he was going to reveal the rest if the NFL’s Chicago Bears pulled out a win against the Saints. However, Cutler couldn’t complete a pass last night and the Saints proceed to roll the Bears 30 to 13. (But how about those Lions!?)

Even if this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about, Google will likely announce the next Nexus and Ice Cream sandwich in a few weeks. It’s unlike Google and its hardware partners to do a reveal and then immediately sell the device. My money is on an October announced, November release, and the Detriot Lions to go deep in the playoffs.

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