‘Game For Kittens’ And HeyZap Team Up For A Good Cause

Here’s your chance to let your kitten help other animals, using nothing other than its feline reflexes.

You may be familiar with ‘Game for Kittens‘, an iPhone game developed by Little Hiccup that’s exactly what it sounds like: it’s a game for your kitten (okay, so the title is slightly misleading — cats of all ages can play). And starting this week the game’s developer has teamed with HeyZap to promote the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Here’s how the promotion works: the game typically features two levels, one where your cat chases a virtual laser, another where it chases a mouse. And now there’s a third, ‘secret’ level that can be accessed by either pausing the game or beating a level and hitting the ‘HeyZap’ icon. Beat that level, and your cat can tweet a link to this page boasting of their status as an intelligent ‘checkin cat’ — and the page includes several links to the SF SPCA.

I’d like to see the promotion made a little more readily accessible in the app, but it’s a nice gesture. And it’s going to remain in ‘Game for Kittens’ indefinitely.

And if your cat isn’t a big gamer, you can also head to this page and make a donation to the SF SPCA straightaway.

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