Windows Phone Logo Refresh Fits A Square Peg In A Round Hole

Well, what is this we have popping up all over the place? It’s pretty familiar with that Windows logo in the center, but shouldn’t it be bundled nicely in a circle? Nope. Not anymore. According to Japanese Windows Phone evangelist Takahashi, that little glowing Windows Phone circle is no more — the revolutionary and innovative shape called “square” will now represent Windows Phone 7 OS.

This is an interesting move by Microsoft. While we tend to remain unaware of it, people don’t quite realize just how much a brand image or logo shapes their perception of a company and its products. That circular Windows logo is completely attached to Microsoft and Windows in a fundamental way.

For the new smartphone user, seeing a circular Windows logo pop up on the boot screen means something familiar is coming. It means that user doesn’t have to be intimidated by their shiny new smartphone because their old friend Windows will be there to help. Of course, the old logo will only encourage fully satisfied Windows PC users who are noobs to the smartphone game.

For those of us who have ever used or owned a Windows-powered phone, a refreshed logo is a welcome change. Up until now, the Windows Phone platform has been under-developed, and just plain not good enough to stand up to the competition. Mango stands to change all that, and reminding us of the old, half-baked OS will only bring up unhappy memories.

A square is sharp. It’s the shape through which Windows Phone will be presented to us, and it also happens to be the prominent shape of Mango’s live tile UI. In my opinion, a square only makes sense to propel the Windows Phone platform into the center ring with the likes of Android and iOS. What do you prefer, circle or square?

[Images via Nanapho]

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