CrunchGear Is Headed To TechCrunch/Gadgets

By now you’ve probably seen Mike’s post about the redesign coming next week and I wanted to talk a bit about where things are headed. CrunchGear, in short, is being subsumed into TechCrunch/Gadgets, a plan that has been long percolating at the HQ and something we, in a way, welcome.

I started CrunchGear on August 10, 2006. Mike Arrington called me after I left Gizmodo and asked me to start a gadget blog. I did. It’s been nearly five years now and in that time we’ve posted 47,243 stories, run through dozens of writers, and amused a few million of you guys on a daily basis. So things will change slightly, but the same CrunchGear wit, wisdom, and opinion will be in full effect over at our new home.

I’ll miss the beautiful orange and white color scheme and being able to say we’re a separate entity from the mothership, but I won’t miss the server problems (we always got hand-me-downs) and the rigamarole associated with cross-posting to TC when we figured those guys deserved to see something we wrote. Sticking this all into one big site, with separate channels, makes perfect sense and has nothing to do with the AOL Way. I like to think it’s an evolution of the content and a chance to catch our breath and start writing longer, more detailed posts for TC proper while still maintaining the same quick-hit gadget coverage for TC/G. We’ll keep the CG Twitter account for the time being and probably move to TCGadget (note the missing s) as well. The domain itself will forward and all should be right with the world come Monday or Tuesday.

I know I say this a lot, but you guys are a great audience and you – and you alone – are the main reason we keep waking up morning after morning to write about gadgets. We’ll still be there for you and I hope you’ll be there for us. Good night and good luck.

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