InboxQ And New "Campaign Configurator" Move To The Web

InboxQ, the browser extension that attempts to turn Twitter into Quora by letting big brands like @Gap search for user questions to engage with, is launching its web interface today for all those that are browser extension shy. Previously the service, which searches for Twitter users asking “real” questions and allows people and brands to answer them, was only available through a Firefox and Chrome plugin.

In addition to the web interface, the YC-backed InboxQ is also launching an automated keyword retrieval service called “campaign configurator” which rounds up long tail of related search phrases for 3-10 keywords and eliminate the crawling of tweets that contain the phrases searched for but are off topic (like fruit-related queries for the word Apple, for example). Clients can use the campaign configurator to even further spot relevant questions.

“We wanted to make sure that every business can get value from InboxQ without having to become experts on keyword targeting,” said co-founder Joe Fahrner on the improvements to the product’s accessibility. While the service is currently free, Fahrner plans on eventually making money off of InboxQ by offering premium analytics services, and hopes to expand the service to both Quora and Yahoo Answers.

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