What Twitter iOS 5 Integration Will Look Like [Screenshots]

Up on the Apple website right now are stunning screencaps of Twitter’s iOS 5 integration, which we broke the first signs of last week. Fun fact: That @GilbertsoLANO account shown in the Apple official screenshots is the same one we flagged as a Twitter photos test account, even though the twimg.com/status_photos/ Twimg test link has now been cleaned up to pic.twitter.com.

Available in the fall, Twitter for iOS 5 will use Twitter Auth (it’s still not clear whether its O or X) to allow you to tweet from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch with one signin. The Twitter integration will also play nice with your iPhone Contacts to fill in your friends names when you’re DMing or @replying and it will use your phone’s GPS to apply location to Tweets.

Below is an example of how the tweeting process will look via the iPhone camera: It will be included as an option on the Share Button on the left. This can be likened to Apple’s low-fi alternative to photo-sharing.

Here is what it looks like to share a tweet from the other three apps with iPhone Twitter integration, Safari, YouTube and Maps. The integration will presumably use Twitter’s new photo sharing service and the iPhone’s new Notifications feature as well, even though we’re hearing that it’s up to the individual app to designate how their notification banners will appear.

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