First Samsung Chromebooks Debut On… Gilt? (Update)

This is kind of a strange match. Samsung’s new Chromebook has hit Gilt two weeks early, according to an email sent to members of the luxury shopping site. No pricing was mentioned, but buying also gets you a special laptop sleeve from Rickshaw.

The rest of us mortals can’t get one until June 15th, when they become available on Amazon and Best Buy. Even the lucky stiffs who were gifted one at I/O haven’t received them yet.

Well, no biggie. It’s going to be a beta product at launch anyway, it’s probably better to wait a couple months for the bugs to get ironed out.

Update: They’re the 3G versions, being sold for $500, and the case is “whack.” [thanks, Aaron!]

Update 2: added the sleeve and sale page pics.

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