B&N Sends Invites For A Special Announcement

Well, after several leaks, an SEC filing, and random speculation from random bloggers, Barnes & Noble just sent out an invite for a Special Announcement. Ready for more random speculation from a random blogger? Here! We! Go!

So the B&N Nook Color is huge hit. In fact it might be the second most popular tablet right now, thanks to its low price, impressive feature set and hackable nature. Many have thought that B&N is ready to take it up a notch with a new Nook Color. Said tablet could be a slight revision of the currently loved tablet with maybe just the addition of a 3G radio. Or, it could be a total overhaul. Then there’s always the possibility that the special announcement could for a new version of the company’s original ebook reader, the dual screen Nook. Either way we’ll find out next week on May 24th.

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