(Founder Stories) The GroupMe Guys Reveal How To Land A Job At A Startup

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All week long we’ve been running clips from the Founder Stories interview with the GroupMe Guys, co-founders Jared Hecht and Steve Martocci. In the video above, they answer some rapid fire questions about how to impress startups during an interview (give great product feedback), what do they look for in “social engineers,” and what is the hardest part of running a startup (delegating and hiring).

Host Chris Dixon mentions Paul Graham’s essay on how founders should split up their time into a Maker schedule and a Manager schedule, and how in practice that turns out to be impossible. “Balancing the founder stuff on top of your actual responsibilities” is really tough, says Martocci. (Disclosure: Dixon is an investor in GroupMe through Founder Collective)

The full interview from the past few episodes is below, or you can watch each segment via the related links at the bottom of this post. You can also check out other previous episodes of Founder Stories or subscribe in iTunes.

(Founder Stories) Who Are These GroupMe Guys?

(Founder Stories) GroupMe: Is Group Messaging The Thin Edge Of The Wedge

(Founder Stories) How GroupMe Won SXSW: Grilled Cheese

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