Google Ditches YouTube, Goes Back To Relying On Nemesis Microsoft For Earnings Calls

Last January, I praised Google for a small, but important move: streaming their quarterly earnings webcasts via YouTube. For those of us that cover these calls, it’s at least a thousand times better than the alternatives that everyone else uses — namely Windows Media Player or RealPlayer streaming (both of which, quite frankly, suck). Over the past year, Google’s earnings have been comparatively a joy to cover thanks to this move. Not anymore.

Today, for no apparent reason, Google has gone back to relying on arch-nemesis Microsoft to provide the technology to stream their calls. I’ve emailed Google on the matter, but they’ll probably ignore it. They’re likely more concerned about their stock tanking right now due to mixed earnings results.

But this move is odd since Google has been gearing up to use YouTube more for live events — not just earnings calls, which should be relatively easy to stream, but massive concerts and individual’s shows as well. It’s also odd since they more or less hate Microsoft and want to remove them from the face of the Earth. But here they are propping them up and making life miserable for us in the media once again.

The best part of the switch back to Windows Media Player for streaming: it’s not working at all in Google Chrome (at least on the Mac).

We have to go back, Google. We have to go back!!!

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