Hey Facebook, Your Code Is Showing (Comment Login From Google/Twitter/Etc)

Last week, as we rolled out our new Facebook Comments system, we noted that two useful options were pulled at the last second: Twitter and Google login. And today brings more proof of that: the code still exists and works in the comment plugin itself!

As dug up by Inside Facebook, a simple line of JavaScript can add back in the option for users to log-in with their Google and Twitter credentials from the Facebook Comment widget. And you can also enable MySpace and OpenID logins as well. In other words, many of you could get your wish, and be able to use something other than Facebook or Yahoo logins to comment on TechCrunch.

But not so fast.

As Inside Facebook also notes, even when the options are enabled, errors are thrown on the other side of the equation. For example, Twitter login can’t find the page it need to successfully OAuth you in. But it does look like Google is working, for now. I suspect that will end in 3, 2, 1…

The main issue remains: Facebook cannot come to terms with their rivals to be able to work together to enable this functionality. And while the code remains (probably “just in case”), either or both sides could and would kill it in a heartbeat even if we enable it.

That Yahoo remains an option is interesting. As Josh Constine writes, “Yahoo’s inclusion in the Comments Box could be a repayment for this favor, a sign that Facebook doesn’t consider Yahoo a threat, or the result of it signing some terms or deal with Facebook.” Number two would be the most humorous (and, sadly, true), but it’s likely number three. Remember, Yahoo has gone all-in with Facebook, unable to do the social stuff on their own.

I’m curious if having the Google/Twitter/MySpace/OpenID options in the Facebook Comment box would alleviate some of the uproar over this system? That data would still be touching a service run through Facebook, so I suspect many still wouldn’t like it. But it would enable some of the trolls could more easily leave comments again, so there’s that.

We’ve reached out to Facebook for clarification on some of this.

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