Ron Conway, Chris Sacca And Others Invest 800K In PaaS Dotcloud

Hosted application platform DotCloud is announcing 800K in angel funding today, from notable angel investors Ron Conway, Chris Sacca, Jerry Yang, Raymond Tonsing, Roger Dickey, Ash Patel, Eric Urhane, Kenny Van Zant, Trinity Ventures and others.

In the same space as Heroku (before it got bought by Salesforce for $212 million) and a slew of 1st generation platform-as-a-service Heroku clones, what the 2nd generation DotCloud does differently is that it gives developers flexibility.

To make it easier to make server administration changes downstream, DotCloud lets companies “mix and match” components and use multiple languages and tools instead of focusing on one language and development stack.

Says founder Solomon Hykes, “The problem is that developers don’t want to be tied to one language or framework anymore. They still want simplicity – but now they want flexibility, too. And for that you need a completely new breed of platform.”

When asked on why he went in on the round, investor Chris Sacca said, “Hackers building stuff other hackers will pay for is too good to pass up.” Well, if Heroku has taught us anything …

Hykes plans on using the financing to further focus on building what he considers to be a “developer’s dream platform” with an emphasis on flexibility and user experience in addition to world class support.

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