Check Into Foursquare, Facebook Places With Your Watch

If you’ve ever thought “I’d get so much more geo-location done in my day if it could all just be done from my watch,” the folks at inPulse smart watch have an app for you.

This hack allows inPulse smart watch users to check into Facebook Places and Foursquare with a tap of their watch button. It’s pretty kludgey right now because it requires a Bluetooth connection to an Android smartphone to work but, as an extension to the standard check-in APIs used on phones, it could prove useful.

The watch polls the smartphone for nearby places to use for check in and then connects to the check-in service to complete the process.

The code is all here and it requires you to register a new app with Facebook, but I think we all can agree that adding this feature to your watch is a great leap forward in human-computer interaction. Or something.

You can get an inPulse watch right here and start getting notifications right on your wrist.

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