Leaked! Blackberry Curve Touch

A sure sign that things a changin’ over at RIM HQ, the keyboard-less Curve Touch — codenamed “Malibu” — has today leaked out into the wilds of the web, courtesy of CrackBerry.com.

This comes just a week after we spied a keyboard totin’ next-gen Curve, known internally as the “Sedona”, so those die-hard keyboard fans need not fret: mid-range Blackberry lovers will have a choice of hard and soft keyboards.

Any leak worth its salt also provides some specs, and this one — while only focussing on the CDMA version — is as artery hardening as you could hope for:

Now, these are only the proposed specs, so they may change before the device launches in late 2011/early 2012, but they seem about right for the mid-range curve.

[via Engadget]

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