Musicmetric updated – aggregates traditional radio play with P2P filesharing activity

Semetric, the startup behind the Musicmetric analytics service, has released version 3 of its “music data aggregation and analysis software”. It now offers a more 360 degree view, if you will, of activity across P2P filesharing networks, social media, as well as the ability to import and compare this to data based on sales and traditional radio play. The paid-for service is designed to provide enough data to enable users to better make decisions like which social networks to advertise on or where an artist or band should tour.

So, quite cleverly, that unauthorised P2P downloading that’s going on can be harvested to know where there exists actual market demand. And unlike other services which only track P2P availability, Semetric says that its Musicmetric product tracks actual downloads, globally and regionally in real time, hence providing much more valuable data.

However, Semetric is making an equally big deal of Musicmetric’s new found ability to pull in sales and radio play data. This enables users to see how radio airplay relates to online plays, ditto filesharing activity and “web-buzz”, giving promoters, managers and marketers much better insight into how an artists is fairing across different markets and platforms. You get the picture.

In December of last year, we reported that Semetric had secured a “significant round” of funding led by Pentech Ventures. The actual amount wasn’t disclosed but at the time the company described it as substantial enough to give Semetric a “well funded two-year runway”. Today’s update is perhaps evidence of that.

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