J!nx Merch Makes Its Way To Brick-And-Mortar New York Store

Raise your hand if you’ve ever bought one of those wacky shirts from J!nx? I did, once: it was the “All Your Oil Belong To U.S.” It was a timely shirt, purchased during the height of President Bush’s tenure when it looked like, well, all the world’s oil belonged to us. In any event, the shirt worked: at “geeky” gatherings people “got” the shirt, and that’s all I ever wanted. I bring this us up because J!nx merch can now be purchased at a store in New York. No longer will you have to wait to purchase a shirt that cleverly links geopolitics and poorly translated video games. Nirvana!

You’ll be able to find Jinx stuff at the Yellow Rat Bastard store in Soho. This Monday, January 17, will be J!NX Day at the store, which means everything will be 25 percent off.

Fighting the urge to pick up the “I Slay Dragons (On The Internet)” shirt…

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