HP Also Holding A Second webOS Event On February 9 To Woo Developers

A week and a half ago, we were invited to join HP on the morning of February 9 for an “exciting announcement”. But it appears that they’re now also reaching out to others about another event later that day.

This new invite reads: “HP webOS. The future revealed.” Below that, it lists the same February 9 date, but lists the time as being from 7 PM to 9:30 PM. And it will be in the same venues: Fort Mason Center, Herbst Pavillion in San Francisco.

So what’s this all about? The next line is key: “Please join Jon Rubinstein and the HP webOS Engineering and Developer Relations teams for a special presentation and developer community reception.” In other words, it’s a developer event being held the night after they reveal what they’re doing to reveal at their press event. Makes sense. It looks like HP wants to get to work ASAP.

So what’s actually being announced? Speculation has been that webOS 2.0 would be more formally unveiled at that time. But we also now know that tablets will definitely be a part of the day. How? Because HP EVP Todd Bradley told CNBC as much yesterday. When he was asked a questiona about tablets, Bradley responded that “you and I will talk about that on the 9th.

So, webOS 2.0, tablets, and probably some new phones in the morning to woo the press. Then a developers, developers, developers event at night with Rubinstein to get everyone who will actually have to support the new stuff excited about the future of the HP webOS platform.

[thanks Joseph]

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