E Ink Pearl Display Winning Awards, Hearts (And more Awards)

Love your new Kindle? Yeah, you better be singing the praises of E Ink Holding. They’re the ones behind the new Pearl display that makes the third generation Kindles so spectacular. At least the industry recognized the technology and recently award E Ink Pearl with the 2010 Printed Electronics Award for Best Commercialization. Yay?

The Pearl display was introduced back in July alongside the latest Kindle DX. It was the main selling point of the Kindle, really. Less power usage and better contrast. Win, win. Later on in July the Pearl screen found its way into the 3rd generation Kindle and, well, here we are. Next month the screen will be featured in Popular Science Best of What’s New awards, which is somewhat impressive for just a lowly screen. Congrats all around. We love that lowly screen.

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