Oh Man, Polaroid Is Teasing A New Camera For CES

I’m so pumped! Like many of my generation, I have a special place in my heart for Polaroid. Sure, you can get a weird bulbous one or a Diana F+ that shoots Instax Mini, or you can resuscitate your original and feed it expensive Impossible Project cartridges… but it looks like soon, none of these techniques will be necessary. A teaser image for this year’s CES appears to show off a new and wonderful device.

We’ll be there, of course, to check this thing out and give you guys the whole story, and I have to say that I am looking forward to it.

When I was shooting the instant film to review the Diana, I got that feeling back, the fun that comes from instant photos. Everyone wanted shake the pictures, fight over them, pose, and just in general have fun with photography the way few people do any more.

Unless Polaroid seriously blows this, I fully expect to keep one of these around, bulky and expensive as I’m sure it’ll be. Engadget did a little retouching to reveal some of the camera’s details, and it looks to be a far better-looking camera than that weird 300 from earlier this year.

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