Asus Eee Note E-Reader Gets Updated Pricing And Availability

Asus’s Eee Note, formerly known as the Eee Tablet, got its official official debut this morning. We heard a couple months back that the device (in the middle of a name change operation) would be available in October, but as usual, the real date turned out to be a little later. Actually, a lot later for Americans.

While the Eee Note EA-800 is going to be available this week in Taiwan and very soon in Hong Kong, it won’t be coming to Europe until early next year, and finally reaches both the US and China in 1Q2011, which says to me March launch. By that time, we’ll have a new iPad, Gingerbread and Honeycomb devices, and possibly even the Palmpad.

I was impressed by the demo at first, but after finding out it’s an ordinary 1024×768 monochrome LCD, I became slightly less enthused, despite the handy writing capability. On the other hand, it’s selling for the equivalent of around $230, which is pretty cheap compared to others on the market. Of course, if it doesn’t do much, the price is no consolation. But we’ll find out how it performs once it hits the mean streets of Taiwan.

[via Computerworld]

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